Cream of Cornish 2023 - Sponsored by Seasalt

Cream Of Cornish, sponsored by Seasalt
Saturday 23rd September, 10am
Main Marquee
Free (please book a ticket to ensure your seat).


This year’s cabaret of readings from writers with Cornwall in their work or lives promises to be a vintage one. We have Eleanor Shearer, with her debut novel about slavery and its inheritors River Sing Me Home and Cornish success story Anna Mansell, reading from her latest bestselling romance. We have Ike Anya reading from Small by Small, a vivid memoir of his training as a doctor in Nigeria and  poet, Sarah Cave, who'll be reading from The Book of Yona, her new collection, which is about a queer saint who is also the sister of Jesus of Nazareth.

Free event, please book a ticket to ensure your seat.

The NCBF Main Marquee
St Endellion Church
St Endellion
Port Isaac
PL29 3TP