RCMF 2024 1. Midsummer Morning

1. Midsummer Morning

Mon 24th June | 6 - 7am | £15

Houghton Lodge Gardens

RCMF begins on Midsummer Day, with a dawn recital by cellist Rainer Crosett on the bank of the River Test, in the spectacular setting of Houghton Lodge Gardens.

Bach Cello Suite No. 1

Britten Cello Suite No. 1

The seating is on the lawn, so please bring a picnic chair or a blanket if you wish. Tickets include the Garden’s entrance fee.

NB. This concert is not included in the season ticket.  
Please check www.romseychambermusic.com for updates in the event of bad weather

Houghton Lodge Gardens
North Houghton,
SO20 6LQ