European Theatre Arts BA (Hons) in collaboration with Lighting Design BA (Hons) and Stage Management BA (Hons) presents:
“Why does nothing never happen?” Fischli/Weiss, Untitled (Questions), 2004
Created by Above Reason in collaboration with Sammy Metcalfe of Sleepwalk Collective
It is expected that there will be a stage. It is expected that there will be drama. It is expected that this drama will not be real, but that we will all pretend that it is. It is expected that we will be believable. It is expected that if a gun appears, that gun will eventually be fired. It is expected that you will watch, and that you will listen. And we will carry on as if you're not even there. This is not a trick. The curtain is about to go up. Are you giving us your full attention?
Dates and Times:
Thursday 13th February 2020 at 19.30
Friday 14th February 2020 at 16.00 and 19.30