House of Cyn

House of Cyn 

It’s a show the likes of which the Teign Valley has never seen before (and probably never will again), it’s the one they’ve all been whispering about… it’s the one about Cynthia Payne! For those who’ve never heard of her, she was an English madam, a brothel keeper, who used to cater for the great and the good, for the sexually orthodox and the much less so.

Like many of her clients, Cynthia’s life was far from ordinary, so much so that it was turned into several films, the most famous of which was ‘Personal Services’ starring Julie Walters. In her later years, she threw sex parties, and every so often she’d get raided by the police. The resulting trials were perfect tabloid fodder and she became a household name, touring TV and radio studios, even forming her own political party whose aims included the overall of sex laws in the UK.

She died in 2015 always having wanted her life to be performed on stage. Now, eight years later, it’s finally about to happen, as the Teign Valley Players present the world’s first ever stage production of this national treasure, aptly named ‘House of Cyn’. Be warned, ladies and gents, this is for ladies and gents only – no children! Are there naughty bits in it? Oh, you bet there are!

Caberet Style Seating
Tickets £10 to include a welome drink

Dunsford Village Hall
Bridge Street