Write Here, Write Now! Creative Writing Workshop

Write Here, Write Now! Creative Writing Workshop for Adults
Wednesday 22 March 10-1pm
The Writers' Block, The Ladder, 2-4 Clinton Road, Redruth, TR15 2QE
Tickets: Pay what you can £3/ £5/ £8/ £10

Have you always wanted to give writing a go but need a bit of support to get started? Perhaps you have written a diary or a journal and have discovered real pleasure in putting pen to paper? In this workshop, we will use a number of short writing prompts and exercises to explore a range of different subjects, and themes. We will develop a variety of writing techniques such as setting the scene; developing character and finding a voice. By taking inspiration from our everyday lives, we will also explore situations that are out of the ordinary. The prompts are designed to get the creative juices flowing and to avoid too much pre-varication! The atmosphere will be open and collaborative and by the end you will have created some writing that you can take away with you and develop in your own time.

We understand that everyone's financail situation differs, so please pay what you can. 


The Writers’ Block
The Ladder
2-4 Clinton Rd
TR15 2QE