Following their regional premiere productions of Shout! and Disenchanted!; in 2019 Third From The Right Productions bring Stiles and Drewe's exciting and funny modern musical reworking of Cinderella, “Soho Cinders” to the Crestwood Theatre.
Edgy, fun and deliciously naughty, Soho Cinders celebrates the capital’s most colourful district.
When impoverished student Robbie becomes romantically involved with engaged London Mayoral candidate James Prince, his lap-dancing step-sisters become the least of his problems!
James and Robbie’s worlds collide forcing them to fight for their own fairy-tale ending in this hilarious, satirical twist on the classic Cinderella story.
The potent mix of politics, sex-scandals and true love come together in this contemporary musical with an infectious score that you’ll be humming long past the stroke of midnight!
Thursday 29th to Saturday 31st August 2019 - 7.30pm
Tickets £15
Suitable for ages 13+