Hobson's Choice

FHODS is pleased to announce that the shop doors will soon open on a new production of Hobson’s Choice, the well-loved, classic northern comedy.

Henry Hobson runs a shoe business in Salford, Greater Manchester. A widower with three daughters, he is overbearing, controlling, and a drunk.

When his eldest daughter, Maggie - the real driving force behind the success of the business - announces her intentions to marry Willie Mossop, one of his most skilled employees, Hobson is astounded…

Originally set in 1880, Hobson’s Choice is a comic exploration of the changing status and expectations of women at a time when society was about to shift dramatically.

However, to present a fresh view of the play and make it more relevant to a modern audience, we are resetting to 1966, another period of significant social change, especially for women, which sowed the seeds of women’s lib and the feminist movement.  It was also the year of Bob Dylan playing at the Manchester Free Trade Hall, the BBC began broadcasting in colour, and when England won the World Cup.

And so, under such auspicious circumstances, our story will unfold…

Stalls     £17 | Members £15
Gallery  £15 | Members £13


Thursday 16th May, 7.30pm | Friday 17th May, 7.30pm | Saturday 18th May, 2.30pm & 7.30pm 
Doors open one hour before the performance
The Tower Theatre
North Road
CT20 3HL