Helen Rappaport

Saturday 21 October - 12.00 pm  
Tickets £10, students £6

In conversation with Jamie Coomarasamy 

Caught in the Revolution : Petrograd 1917

From  the Czar's abdication in February 1917 to the Bolshevik ascendancy in October, Petrograd was at the centre of events in Russia, as witnessed by a motley bunch of foreign nomads and visitors. Noted historian,  Helen Rappaport delivers this fascinating story through the lives of an extraordinary community which included an English nurse, the American Ambassador’s black valet, the journalist and, later, novelist, Arthur Ransome  and Emmeline Pankhurst - all watching in horror and delight as Petrograd succumbed to revolution. 

Helen will  be in conversation with  Jamie Coomarasamy who is a regular presenter of  The World Tonight  on BBC Radio 4 and News hour  on the BBC World Service. His journalistic postings include Washington, Paris, Warsaw and Moscow.

Helen's website 
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Photo credit John Kerrison Follow Jamie on Twitter

This event is kindly sponsored by Westholme Publishing 
Bishop’s Palace