Terms and Conditions

Use of the Afterdark Paranormal Box Office

Your use of this website is subject to the following conditions and you should not use this website unless you accept these conditions:
1. The information contained in this website has been prepared solely for the purpose of providing information about performances and making online bookings for these performances.
2. By accessing this site you will be assuming all risks associated with the use of this site, including risk of your computer, software or data being damaged by any virus which might be transmitted or activated via the Afterdark Paranormal box office site or your access to it.
3. You will only use this website for personal private use.

Data Protection
Under the Data Protection Act and the Privacy Act, we have a legal duty to protect any information we collect from you. Personal data you give will be used exclusively for providing you with the information or service that you have requested. Once you have booked tickets with the Afterdark Paranormal box office your details will be held on our database. From time to time we may send you information about Afterdark Paranormal and its programme of events. If you do not wish to receive this information, please tell us by sending an email at unsubscribeadp[at]thelittleboxoffice[dot]com. We do not pass any of your personal data to outside organisations and/or individuals.

Conditions of Sale

01) Anyone who arrives under the influence of alcohol or drugs and /or is suspected of bringing alcohol or drugs to any Afterdark Paranormal Ltd event will not be allowed to participate and will be asked to leave the premises immediately. In this case no refunds will be issued.

02) Aggressive behaviour towards any staff or customer will not be tolerated. If this situation was to arise, this person will be removed from the event and no refund will be issued.

03) Smoking is not permitted inside any of the event buildings.

04) There will be no sleeping facilities available at any of our events (unless specified in the location descriptions). These events tend to start late at night and run into the early hours of the morning, so you will be awake all night.

05) Please do not contact the event venue; all bookings are to be made through Afterdark Paranormal Ltd.

06) Events are for over 18’s only due to the nature of their content. Afterdark Paranormal Ltd reserves the right to refuse admittance to any persons who appear to be under 18 without proof of I.D.

07) All vehicles and belongings remain your responsibility whilst on this event.

08) Please take care when driving to and from events. It is recommended that you book accommodation close to the event if required.

09) Afterdark Paranormal Ltd accepts no liability for any accident or incident caused during or after the event.

10) Afterdark Paranormal Ltd cannot guarantee any paranormal activity will occur. We do however try to carefully select our locations based on their reputation.

11) If you have any disability or health concerns please contact us
(0843 289 9237 or info@afterdarkparanormalinvestigations.co.uk)

12) In the unlikely situation Afterdark Paranormal Ltd has to cancel an event due to circumstances outwith our control, you will be contacted and offered a place on another event or a full refund. We are not liable for any expenses you have arranged out with our event such as accommodation etc.

13) Customers are advised to wear sensible and warm clothing due to the nature of many locations and the weather conditions. Many of the locations date back centuries and we would like to ask you to respect the buildings, for this reason we do not allow high heeled shoes to be worn.

14) By agreeing to these terms and conditions you further indemnify Afterdark Paranormal Ltd events and its staff from and against all legal liability in respects of any claims, damages, costs, penalties, demands, proceedings, actions, suits, losses or expenses in respect of or arising out of the injury to or the death of any person, or damage to any property arising from your participation in the activities at any attended event.

15) Afterdark Paranormal Ltd use Mediums and Psychics to help with our investigations however it is up to you to decipher the information you receive and make decisions based on your own belief system and not of those around you.

16) Afterdark Paranormal Ltd reserves the right to escort any participant off the event premises without giving reason.

17) There will be flash photography.

18) Afterdark Paranormal Ltd offers no refunds. Refunds only given if the event is cancelled by us.

19) The organisers and venue cannot be held responsible to peoples reactions to the witnessing of a paranormal event or other strange occurences, therefore those of a nervous disposition or prone to excitable reactions should only attend at there own discression.

20) A full risk assessment will be carried out by afterdark paranormal Ltd staff prior to each event.

21) You agree to your photo and video being taken that may be used for advertising and for our website and social media pages.

22) Live video may be used on some locations. You agree to allow us to steam live video and images.

23) All information on our website is not to be copied and used. You must ask in writing to copy any information. All external links are to be clicked at your own risk. We accept no responsibility for any links clicked 24) Any demonstration of mediumship including private readings are a form of experiment and no claims are made and results cannot be guaranteed. During a demonstration you are not guaranteed a personal message. The medium does not tell fortunes but attempts to give evidence of survival, which may include relevant information surrounding the person at the current time. The old Fraudulent Mediums Legislation is no longer in force. Within UK law, mediumship is now regulated under consumer protection law and to meet this law any reading must be regarded as for entertainment purposes only. Readings should not be used as a substitute for any professional, legal, financial, medical or psychiatric advice or guidance.