Step back into the Golden Age of Hollywood as writer Lynn Florkiewicz brings screen idol, Rossano Brazzi back to life.
Brazzi was famed for starring roles in South Pacific and the Italian Job. When novelist Lynn Florkiewicz sought a biography of one of her favourite actors, she found little information had been written about this enigmatic star. She soon found herself on a quest to uncover the real Brazzi behind his glitzy film persona. Join us for an evening with Lynn as she shares some of her fascinating insights about Brazzi in her book 'A Happy Man'. In an inventive imagining of conversations they might have shared, Lynn accompanies Brazzi through the streets of Italy as he reflects on his life. Beneath the serious Latin Lover image crafted by Hollywood, she discovers a mischievous and fun man, a scholar and classically trained actor. From ancient Bologna to glamorous Beverly Hills, Rossano’s career experienced extreme highs and plummeting lows. It should be a lively and entertaining evening.
Thursday 10th October 2024 - 7.30pm
Tickets £6.00 includes a complimentary drink