Course title: Design & Make Your Own Granny Square Sweater
Tutor: Merrian Holland
Skill level: Must be confident with basic stitches such as sc/dc(UK), dc/tr(UK), slip stitching, chaining and counting stitches.
Week 1: Monday 18th March 12:30-2:30pm - Introduction & preparations.
Week 2: Monday 25th March 12:30-2:30pm
Easter Holidays - no classes, during this time students will be making their motifs.
Week 3: Monday 15th April 12:30-2:30pm
Week 4: Monday 22nd April 12:30-2:30pm
Materials for this course are not included. Please see the full course description for more details about what you will need.
£85 for 4 x2 hour sessions & online resources.