Anne Boleyn - Wolf at the Door

Anne Boleyn - Wolf at the Door
Written and Composed by Bob Whitley
Performed by Bob Whitley and Lee MacKenzie
A musical tale of love and Tudor tragedy.

Bob Whitley (guitar, tenor guitar and mandola) and Lee MacKenzie (baroque cello) take us back to the 16th Century and the story of the triumph and tragedy of Anne Boleyn.
Anne Boleyn holds King Henry VIII in thrall for six years and supplants Katherine of Aragon as Queen of England on the promise that she will bear King Henry a son and royal heir.

In a Tudor court of scheming courtiers, religious fervour and feuding families all are fighting for the King’s favour in a deadly battle of destinies and dynasties.

Bob and Lee continue in the 16th Century following on from their successful production ‘Magellan Circumnavigation’.

Saturday 26 October 2024- 7:30pm
Tickets: £15 (Standard)
Riverhouse Barn
Manor Road
KT12 2PF