Simply Freddie - Freddie Mercury And The Music Of Queen as You've Never Heard It Before

“I won’t be a rockstar, I will be a legend!” - Freddie Mercury

Considered by many to be one of if not the greatest lead vocalist of all time, the charismatic, flamboyant, unforgettable Freddie Mercury remains cemented in the minds of music fans all over the world and gains fresh ones every day. While Queen’s front man is often remembered for his unique stage persona and extraordinary vocal ability, he also played a huge part in writing many of the bands now iconic tracks. 
Join past NME Brit nomination as Best Male Vocalist of the Year, Oliver Darley and jazz pianist Chad Lelong as they present Freddie and Queen’s music like you’ve never heard it before, delving into the remarkable stories behind the songs while reflecting on and celebrating the public and private life of this iconic artist. An evening not to be missed.

“He lived life to the full. He devoured it. He celebrated every minute.” - Brian May

Friday 9th May 8pm

Riverhouse Barn
Manor Road
KT12 2PF