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KELD: Freshwater Songs by You Are Wolf
KELD: Freshwater Songs
By You Are Wolf
Kerry Andrew - vocals, electronics
Sam Hall - bass guitar, cello
Pete Ashwell - percussion
‘Imagine Bjork working her magic on the English folk scene’ Uncut
Award-winning singer and composer Kerry Andrew's latest project combines her passion for wild swimming with a love of gathering songs. Exploring folk infused with pop, classical and delicate electronics, her acclaimed trio You Are Wolf has graced BBC 6 Music, BBC Radio 3, Cambridge Folk Festival and more. Keld is an old English word meaning ''the deep, still, smooth part of a river'. Tonight’s performance features new original songs celebrating freshwater folklore inspired by a variety of sources including Barking, London, Plus Cornwall, Devon and Wiltshire locations.
'English avant-folk at its finest'The Observer
Produced by Sound UK. Funded by Arts Council England
Tickets: £6 Adults / £3 Children / £15 Family (2 Adults + 2 Children)