Elmbridge Museum Presents ‘People of Elmbridge’

From actress Alma Taylor to railway engineer Robert Gill, Elmbridge’s former residents have an abundance of captivating stories to share. Follow the tale of Amy Gentry, pioneer of women’s rowing in England, and learn about poet, playwright and novelist RC Sheriff and his home at Rosebriars in Esher. The exhibition features film-stars, engineers, sports-people, playwrights, soldiers and royals. With photographs, paintings, busts, portrait miniatures and more, there’s plenty to see. even the children can get involved by drawing a picture of themselves to add to our portrait display of current Elmbridge residents! Don’t miss out on joining us this summer to celebrate the faces that helped to shape our borough.

Wednesday 18 July - Sunday 19 August
opening times 10am - 4pm daily
Free Entry 
Robert Phillips Gallery
Riverhouse Arts Centre
Manor Road
Walton on Thames
KT12 2PF